2011년 4월 25일 월요일

Field Trip to Geojedo

Daunt Waterway

 It is named after the youngest brave soldier interred at the UNMCK, Mr. J. P. Daunt, an Australian soldier who fell at the age of 17.
The waterway runs between the Grave Area and the Green Area and symbolically represents the line between Life and Invaluable Sacrifice.

Wall of Remembrance

The Memorial Wall of the UNMCK, on which all the names of the fallen during the Korean War under the banner of the United Nations Forces are inscribed, was completed on October 24, 2006. It had been funded by the Korean Government in order to dedicate the noble sacrifice made by those who gave their invaluable lives in defense of the Republic of Korea against the Communist aggression. The round pond symbolizes the Universe where the sky and the Wall together with spirit of the fallen and the mind of the spectators are present. The helmet in the pond signifies war while the lotus flower on the opposite side of the pond signifies sublimation from war to peace. On the black stones of the Wall all the names of the fallen,  from 17 countries in all, are engraved in alphabetical order by country and individual name.

2011년 4월 24일 일요일

French Memorial

Greek Memorial

New Zealand Memorial

To pay tribute to  veterans including the Fallen who participated in the Korean War.

UN Forces Monument

In the front of the monument, one can see a dove which represents peace and an engraved writing, 유엔군위령탑(UN Forces Monument), of a former President, Chung-hee PARK. On its side wall, engraved in brass are the assistance provided by the UN nations and their casualties that no longer is there.

The national flags of twenty-one nations who participated in the war on behalf of UN and Korea fly everyday, as well as the interred from 11 nations.

UN Cemetery

Our class members visited UN Memorial

Cemetry last Monday.